Study visit at the Institute for Nanoscience and Cryogenics in Grenoble


Natalia Olejnik-Fehér, NaMeS PhD student, visited the Institute for Nanoscience and Cryogenics in Grenoble, France. During her stay in Grenoble Natalia performed a series of test experiments on ZnO nanocrystals stabilized with diphenyl phosphate, that have been enriched with 17O in order to allow the detection. She prepared a series of samples different from each other in synthesis routes as well as mean of 17O enrichment. The experiments were needed as pre-testing. Thanks to the measurement Natalia did was able to select 5 most representative systems. Those samples will go to USA - to National High Field Magnetic Lab (NHFML) in Tallahassee, Florida, in August this year. At NHFML we have been granted measurement time on a world-wide unique equipment – a record-breaking 35 T magnet. Additionally, she was awarded the “Mobility of Young Researchers of IPC PAS” to go to Florida and assist in the measurements. Taking into consideration, the plans to perform, among other, advanced two dimensional homonuclear correlation experiments, which have not been performed previously on these systems, initial tests of the samples were of great importance to prepare for work with even more advanced equipment. Additionally, the visit was  a great opportunity to continue getting experience in state NMR, as well as discuss current manuscripts that are underway and her future plans. 


14-27 July, 2019


Grenoble, France


Natalia Olejnik-Fehér

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 711859.