22) Spectroscopic studies of dynamic surface chemistry of semiconducting nanocrystals
Supervisor: Janusz Lewiński
Natalia Olejnik-Fehér was born in Poland, finished her BSc and MSc studies at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, where she specialized first in biomedical chemistry and after that in Chemistry of Advanced Materials. Throughout the studies, she actively participated in the Chemistry Students Association of NCU, attending conferences, and organizing scientific shows that popularized chemistry and life sciences. She became the Association's president for last two years of education. At the end of her time at NCU, she decided to leave the country for LLP Erasmus students exchange program and lived in Debrecen, Hungary for several months. After graduation, she left Poland for few years to live and work in Denmark and then in Hungary. She came back to Poland recently to start her PhD Fellowship at the IPC PAS.
phone: +48 22 343 2077